Wink, Inc. Names New President

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by Sheryl J. Moore // Wink, Inc.


Des Moines, Iowa. December 2, 2021– Wink, Inc., the competitive intelligence firm specialized in providing life insurance and annuity product data to the industry, today announced Victoria L. Grossman has been named the President of Wink, Inc. effective immediately. Sheryl J. Moore, who has been Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and President of Wink since she founded the company 16 years ago, will continue in her role as Chairwoman and CEO, focusing on strategy and business development.

Grossman’s insurance career began as the first employee hired at Wink, gaining an intimate knowledge of products, sales, distribution, and markets as Wink’s first Marketing & Database Administrator. She has 14 years with the company, most recently serving as the Vice President of Operations; responsible for all company administration and oversight of the staff administering the company’s competitive intelligence tools.

“Victoria had become an irreplaceable leader for us. Her experience, judgment, and values have strengthened the Wink team,” said Moore, Chairwoman and CEO of both Wink and Moore Market Intelligence. “Victoria left a comfortable job, took a risk with me, and has been my right-hand woman ever since. Ms. Grossman stepped-in, and began her responsibilities as President, when I lost my son more than eight years ago. Now, I am merely giving credit where it has been due all this time. Victoria has earned this position and I am confident that she will embrace this important role, continue her exceptional leadership, and our pursuit of Wink’s mission and values.”

Click here to read the full press release on WinkIntel.com! 

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley SaundersWink, Inc. Names New President
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What’s Your Retirement Number? Don’t Just Go by the 4% Rule

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To help make sure your retirement income covers your needs and lasts for a lifetime, you need a custom plan. The 4% rule of thumb is a handy starting point, but it’s too general. Get specific to find your very own retirement number.


Numbers rule our retirement decisions, and we usually have questions about them. At what age will we stop working full time? How long of a retirement should we plan for? What do today’s low interest rates mean to our future income? Can we count on a reasonable dividend yield from our stock portfolio? What percentage of our income should be guaranteed for life, through Social Security, pension income and annuity payments?

Dollars or Percentages

We also look at retirement income as both dollar amounts and percentages. Should we try to replace 100% of our former income during retirement? Or should we set a fixed budget and find a way to meet that amount? You can determine which approach appeals to you by thinking about your last mortgage refinance. Did you congratulate yourself for shaving a percentage point or two off the mortgage rate, or plan for ways to spend the extra $300 you saved every month?

Common Retirement Measure: 4% Rule of Thumb for Starting Income Percentage

The 4% rule of thumb is another percentage, and it looms over the majority of retirement decisions. This is the rule that says people with a reasonable amount of savings when they retire should be able to make that pot of money last for 30 years even as they remove 4% of the total each year for living expenses. Studies have shown that three-quarters of all financial advisers rely on the 4% rule when offering guidance to their clients.

There’s just one problem. Baby Boomers retired last year at the rate of about 8,800 a day, or 3.2 million a year. And one size does not fit 3.2 million people. In fact, it is reasonable to think that every one of those retirees will seek a number that is right for them as they customize their retirement income plan to their specific needs. Further, the number is dependent on market conditions. When Wade Pfau, a financial academic, was asked whether the 4% rule of thumb still applies, he suggested that while it worked historically, it never dealt with the current low interest rates and high stock market valuations at the same time.

Your Starting Income Percentage is Unique to You

No ordinary rule based on averages can replace the factors you need to consider when figuring out how much income your savings can generate. Those factors include:

  • Your age, gender and marital status, all of which impact the life expectancy of your plan.
  • Market returns, interest and dividend rates, and inflation expectations.
  • Your legacy objectives for your kids and grandkids.
  • The amount of retirement savings you have accumulated.
  • Where your savings are invested: rollover IRA versus personal (after-tax) savings or even equity in your home.
  • Your attitude toward taxes, both current and proposed.

To illustrate, the chart below shows the impact of just three variables — age, gender and marital status — on what a viable starting income percentage could be for you using the Income Allocation planning method and typical savings makeup and legacy objectives.

Read the full article: https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/retirement-planning/603854/whats-your-retirement-number-dont-just-go-by-the-4-rule

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley SaundersWhat’s Your Retirement Number? Don’t Just Go by the 4% Rule
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Swap Your 401(k) and start receiving a Lifelong Monthly Check

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by Mara Rev Resma, The East County Gazette

Annuities may be growing to your 401(k). The previous month, Fidelity Investments turned out its Guaranteed Income Direct program, an opportunity that can change portion or all of your retirement profits into a stream of expected monthly wages for life — all without moving your 401(k) record.

Specialists state it is an emerging bias, and retirement savers can anticipate viewing more plan providers giving related opportunities, which combine an outstanding revenue element to your program.

“The problem with 401(k) programs is that they were created for retirement assets, but most businesses just happened to invest plans,” states Wade Pfau, co-leader of the Retirement Income Center at The American College of Financial Services. 

“Therefore, it’s excellent to view they presently are frequently having annuity rights or different sorts of plans to achieve a retirement plan.”

Assured Income Direct enables workers that apply the plan management company’s assistance to choose critical income annuities from insurers of their selection. Members likewise gain admittance to Fidelity’s digital tools and retirement benefits institutional sources. 

Approximately 8 million operators in the U.S. have their 401(k) by Fidelity, but their employer should take the annuity opportunity for it to be open to them.

With inflation controlling the headlines, several people similar to retirement worry they may survive their profits. Here’s how an annuity can assist.

How many 401(k) programs allow annuities?

In January 2020, just 10% of employers gave annuities as their 401(k) program members. 

However, according to Fidelity, higher than 78% of operators are involved in setting some of their retirement proceeds into a finance choice that supports monthly revenue.

One of the causes why employers have been reluctant to give annuities is a risk. Sixty percent of workers stated they didn’t allow annuities out of concern that they’d be taken professionally responsible if the insurance business is giving the annuities covered under, according to a 2020 investigation by the advantages advising and insurance firm Willis Towers Watson. 

Still, the SECURE Act of 2020 raised some of the responsibilities on workers, and experts forecast that more 401(k)s would quickly involve an annuity opportunity has come to move.

Read the full article, here: https://theeastcountygazette.com/swap-your-401k-and-start-receiving-a-lifelong-monthly-check/

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley SaundersSwap Your 401(k) and start receiving a Lifelong Monthly Check
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Episode 126: Delivering Retirement Education and Innovation as a Service With Carson Hewett and Jon Rosborough

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Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to money, savings, and planning for retirement. Today we’re joined by Carson Hewett, Manager of Strategic Partnerships at Everfi and Jon Rosborough, Financial Professional Program Director for the Alliance for Lifetime Income. Live at the Rolling Stones concert in Atlanta, we talk about the great work both organizations are doing to help bring education to kids and adults.

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley SaundersEpisode 126: Delivering Retirement Education and Innovation as a Service With Carson Hewett and Jon Rosborough
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Fi360 Announces Formation of ‘Lifetime Income Consortium’

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Broadridge Fi360 Solutions, data provider Cannex, and Fiduciary Insurance Services have teamed to initiate a Lifetime Income consortium to promote the need for guaranteed income options within retirement plans.

Broadridge Fi360 Solutions’ Head John Faustino said between eight and 10 firms have expressed strong interest in participating, and Nationwide and Alliance Bernstein have already committed.

“This initiative is targeted at catalyzing lifetime income adoption for the industry overall,” Faustino explained. “We believe that by working together, we can create a rising tide that will lift all ships.”

Click here to Read the Full Article. 

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley SaundersFi360 Announces Formation of ‘Lifetime Income Consortium’
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Annuities Genius Partners with CANNEX to Leverage Data for New SPIA/DIA Tools

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LAGUNA HILLS, Calif.Nov. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Annuities Genius, the industry leader and developer of annuity point-of-sale software that helps financial professionals meet compliance and suitability requirements, has partnered with CANNEX to use its data for their new SPIA and DIA comparison tools.

With the addition of SPIA and DIA data, financial professionals can use Annuities Genius to review with clients the full range of annuity options from major carriers, compare product benefits, pricing and performance illustrations, and select those that match income goals and risk tolerance.

Read the full release, here: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/annuity-software-for-financial-professionals-annuities-genius-partners-with-cannex-to-leverage-data-for-new-spiadia-tools-301426507.html 

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley SaundersAnnuities Genius Partners with CANNEX to Leverage Data for New SPIA/DIA Tools
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5 Ways to Get Your Firm Unstuck

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These activities might help get your firm out of its rut, but it’s up to you to make it happen.

You’ve been doing great growing your firm, but suddenly, you find the business is in a rut. You’re stuck and you aren’t sure how to get things moving again.

There are five things you can do to get your firm out of a rut: Get the right people in the right seats, refocus, improve your technology, create a positive feedback loop and find the right long-term partners.

I’ll dive into each of these in this article to give you actionable tips to get your firm unstuck.

Read the full article: https://www.investmentnews.com/5-ways-to-get-your-firm-unstuck-213626 

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley Saunders5 Ways to Get Your Firm Unstuck
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Six Retirement Planning Lessons From Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’

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How to make sure your clients avoid playing games with their retirement funds.

Imagine that one of your clients drops into your office just as you are about to leave for the night. They describe a wonderful opportunity to solve all their debt problems. An organization has offered to provide them with an enormous payout if they outlive 499 other people.

Is this an unusual group pension plan, they ask? No, you say. It is a tontine. You open up a book and explain that a tontine is one of the world’s earliest forms of an annuity.

Starting in the 17th century, you continue, nations used tontines as a way to raise revenue and create streams of income for segments of the population. The last person in the pool typically received a disproportionate share of capital. In the insurance industry, we refer to this as the “power of pooled mortality.”

Oh, by the way, your client adds, mortality reminds her to tell you that the organization will kill her if she doesn’t make the right decisions at critical points in the coming days.

Most people today would describe this as the plot of a slightly demented Netflix series. But you clearly failed to complete a crucial fact-finding exercise. And there lies the first lesson from this series.

Click here to access the full article and the slide show of the 6 steps: https://www.wealthmanagement.com/retirement-planning/six-retirement-planning-lessons-netflixs-squid-game 

Also available at: https://www.benzinga.com/personal-finance/21/11/23911653/5-lessons-that-the-squid-game-offers-us-for-retirement-savings-the-use-of-annuities 

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley SaundersSix Retirement Planning Lessons From Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’
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Early retirement today ‘is a problem we will see in 20, 30 years’: Expert

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Jamie Hopkins, Managing Partner of Wealth Solutions at Carson Group, lays out how Americans should be planning and saving for retirement, anticipating unexpected market impacts like the pandemic, and where not to invest as cryptocurrency options expand.

Watch the video, here: https://money.yahoo.com/video/early-retirement-today-problem-see-161525191.html 

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley SaundersEarly retirement today ‘is a problem we will see in 20, 30 years’: Expert
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Episode 125: Earning Higher Safe Interest On Your Saving With Michael Nelskyla

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Can a fintech solution help your clients keep their cash safe but potentially grow it? Today we talk with Michael Nelskyla, founder and CEO of SAVE about his solution. Michael was a pioneer in creating custom indices for insurance products and will talk about the overlap in customer needs and expectations will change in the future.

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The discussion is not meant to provide any legal, tax, or investment advice with respect to the purchase of an insurance product. A comprehensive evaluation of a consumer’s needs and financial situation should always occur in order to help determine if an insurance product may be appropriate for each unique situation.

Ashley SaundersEpisode 125: Earning Higher Safe Interest On Your Saving With Michael Nelskyla
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